Christopher Nohilly - ePortfolio

This page will be used to update on my current projects

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Refinement Plan and Code Review

Refinement Plan

Enhancement One

For this first category, the artifact I will be using is a personal project I have written which is a Stat Tracker for a game called Fall Guys. This project is written in C++ and is used to track the wins and loses in the game for specific maps and game types. The category for this artifact will be Software Engineering. The proposed enhancement plan will be to first rewrite this program or application from C++ into Java to be able to create a more user friendly and easier to use Java application. With this artifact and enhancement, I hope to demonstrate an understanding of separate programming languages and in basic programming concepts and show an ability within Software Design and Engineering. The program is a simple text menu that loops to take input from the user to record game results. The goal is to rewrite this program in Java and create a better interface for the user to use to record results.

Enhancement Two

For this second category, the artifact that I am going to be using will by my final project from CS330 – Computer Graphics and Visualization where we had to utilize OpenGL and C++ to create a 3D lit and textured object. The category for this artifact and skills I wish to demonstrate are an understanding and use of algorithms. In the initial project, I had written many repetitive lines to map out the coordinates of vertices for the 3D object I create (a chair in the case of this project). The enhancement I have planned would be to write additional functions to help simplify the creation of an object or simplify the programming necessary to create new or different objects.

Enhancement Three

For the third category, I will be using the same artifact as mentioned for Category One, the personal project written to track Win/Loss stats for a game called Fall Guys. The category for this section will be databases. The enhancement plan for this artifact, in addition to the rewriting the project in Java as previously mentioned, will involve creating an interface between the project in Java and a database created with MySQL. This interface will be used to store the relevant stats and data in the database, and the Java program will be used to update and read that data. The current iteration of the project in C++ tracks stats by writing and reading a simple text file, so this will be a demonstration of skills with databases by creating this interface and utilizing the database for tracking the stats instead.

Code Review

This is my code review for my two artifacts used for the enhancements displayed in the portfolio.