Christopher Nohilly - ePortfolio

This page will be used to update on my current projects

Project maintained by cnohilly Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Enhancement One

Software Design/Engineering


For this category, the artifact I chose to enhance was a personal project written in Spring 2020. The project was a C++ program meant to be a stat tracker for a game called Fall Guys. This program was text-based in a console window where the user presses numerical inputs to make choices and selections to track stats. The game itself had no formal stat tracking built in, at least none accessible to the players, so this was a solution for my self to track win/loss for various maps in the game.

Enhancement Plan

The enhancements to be made to this artifact were to rewrite the program from C++ into Java and include an interface to a database using MySQL. This is because I am comfortable with both C++ and Java but find Java to be easier to use to create user interfaces for programs to simplify use. In the C++ version, all of the stat tracking is done by reading and writing to a single text file, but in the Java version I could use a JDBC driver to interface with a database and use SQL to query and update data.


I chose this artifact because I felt it was a chance to show proficiency in a different language, show problem solving skills, and show an ability to learn new things when necessary. Going into the enhancement, I had some prior knowledge using SQL, but had to do further research to get a database using MySQL set up and learn to use JDBC to interface between the program and the database. I believe with the enhancements I’ve made that I have achieved the goals and objectives that I was meant to. I did not find that there were a large number of challenges to accomplish this enhancement and it primarily required me to become reacquainted with both Java and SQL and learn a few new things in Java to create the user interface that I wanted.

Enhancement One Files

Github containing C++ and Java Versions